Monday, October 27, 2014

Thing 15

Thing 15:
Skype in the Classroom
Skype could be a great tool in the classroom to connect with those people and locations for which you do not readily have access.  You can use Skype to take a field trip that is cost effective and adventurous. Skype gave some great visuals of student's connecting with pen pal class across the waters. There were opportunities to see wild life live by explorers and up to the minute visual interaction of the things that were transpiring. It is also possible to bring in speakers for your class that you do not have access to during school ours.   Skype seems to be a more time efficient way of including visitors to your classroom.

I already had a skype account but I have not used it often to video conference.  I conference with Mizran and we discussed visually and verbally upcoming assignments for class. it seems to be best suited for project and communications that go beyond what can communicated through just voice or written correspondence.  Mizran and both used our Ipads because already had the application on our Ipad.  It was good being able to see and talk to the person versus on the phone. We could collaborate if necessary without being in the same building.

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