Monday, September 29, 2014

Thing 7 Wiki

Thing 7 Wikis

Wikis have an interesting dynamic because of their structure.  They seem to have boundless avenues to information and embody a great deal of information without much oversight..  A person can become overwhelmed by the wealth of information at one's fingertips.  It is important to keep in mind that while a Wiki is informative and most of the times substantive it not always monitiored to mitigate misinformntion and/or propaganda spreading.  

The things that stood out ot me about the Wiki pages and presentations that I looked is that the information given about the their existence was consistent.  The Wiki sites I observed were not particulary of content that I would need or want, but it made me curious if there are wikis out that I might be searching.. I consistently use a source of information. Generally I cannot cite information a paper that I may do for school; however if I want look up general information quickly it is the best and most current encyclopedia available.

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