Monday, September 29, 2014

Thing 7 Wiki

Thing 7 Wikis

Wikis have an interesting dynamic because of their structure.  They seem to have boundless avenues to information and embody a great deal of information without much oversight..  A person can become overwhelmed by the wealth of information at one's fingertips.  It is important to keep in mind that while a Wiki is informative and most of the times substantive it not always monitiored to mitigate misinformntion and/or propaganda spreading.  

The things that stood out ot me about the Wiki pages and presentations that I looked is that the information given about the their existence was consistent.  The Wiki sites I observed were not particulary of content that I would need or want, but it made me curious if there are wikis out that I might be searching.. I consistently use a source of information. Generally I cannot cite information a paper that I may do for school; however if I want look up general information quickly it is the best and most current encyclopedia available.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Thing 9

Thing 9 I used Zoho Docs to pull in a document form my Google docs.  I then created a an HTML version and posted to my blog.  I have used the compose the HTML to post the document. above.  I was able to embed it into this post.  I t makes me wonder how I can use HTML to embed other thing into my profile.  I remember something like this from my MySpace profile back in the day.  I often wandered how HTML  worked with respects to creating a profile.  It makes me want to fiddle with it some more to make things work in a more aesthetically pleasing way.

Thing 6 Mosaickr and others

I like the Wordle application for the classroom because it allows students to visualize the importance of words.  How many times a word appears not what makes it important but it size gives it greater importance.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Thing 4 The Raft of Medusa.

I saw this painting when I was at The Louvre this summer. I loved this photo because of the black at the top of the raft.  The photo depicts how men regardless of race had to bond together to survive. 

Monday, September 8, 2014

Thing 3

I made  collage of some pictures I pulled from Facebook. Theses are pictures of me having a good time.

Thing 2

Thing 2
Thing 2 has been a grueling and frustrating process for innumerable reasons.  Some having to do with my computer hardware issues.  It seems that an having some difficult interface issue problems attempting to post information to my  blog.   With learning any new technology or system it always struggle but I press forward. I am hopeful my luck and production in the future are much better.

Thing 1

Thing 1

7 ½ Steps to Lifelong Learning

1.The habit that will be the hardest for me to consume will be habit 4 which is having confidence in myself as an effective learner. I often doubt myself and am unsure if I can master something new at this stage. I often wander if I can manage the new task in my life with all my other responsibilities.
2. The habit I am most comfortable with is Habit 7, teaching and mentoring others. I feel that has been my area of expertise and specialty for years.  I believe I can always encourage others to have faith in their own learning abilities.  I wish could consistently give myself the same encouragement.

3. The lifelong learning contract is something I believe I have been doing throughout my lifeI currently teaching myself to play the piano and speak Spanish and Portuguese more fluently.  I learned So much traveling internationally this summer to London and Paris.  I feel that as I grow as person that learning becomes a refreshing experience.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Thing 1

Thing 1

7 ½ Steps to Lifelong Learning

1.The habit that will be the hardest for me to consume will be habit 4 which is having confidence in myself as an effective learner. I often doubt myself and am unsure if I can master something new at this stage. I often wander if I can manage the new task in my life with all my other responsibilities.
2. The habit I am most comfortable with is Habit 7, teaching and mentoring others. I feel that has been my area of expertise and specialty for years.  I believe I can always encourage others to have faith in their own learning abilities.  I wish could consistently give myself the same encouragement.

3. The lifelong learning contract is something I believe I have been doing throughout my lifeI currently teaching myself to play the piano and speak Spanish and Portuguese more fluently.  I learned So much traveling internationally this summer to London and Paris.  I feel that as I grow as person that learning becomes a refreshing experience.

Name:Vorris Mayes   
My Learning Contract

I will...

1. Obtain A 4.0 GPA.

2.Complete My Lesson Plans two weeks in advance.

3. I will become fluent in a foreign language.

4. I will create an organization plan for running a sports team top to bottom.

5. Run a 10k.

6. Learn to play the piano

Things I need for my “toolbox”:

1. Patience

2. Playmaker Pro
3. Rossetta Stone

If I need additional help, I can ask:

Clara Yates

I can also use tutorials from and

I am responsible for my own learning and am a competent, effective learner.
Signature: ______________________________

Date: _____________________